Stacking Values – Toolkit

This toolkit relates to the blog post on Stacking Values as Steps vs. Weapons.

These tools can be as fun or thought-provoking as your team can stand! Start with the cut and paste tool if you’re more of the open-ended sort, or maybe use the stepping tool and laundry list to help generate ideas if that’s a lot to ask.

Tool #1 Cut and Paste Values

This tool is simply for fun. Have your team fill in each shape with a value they hold to be “valuable” and play with arranging them in an order that makes sense to themselves or to the purpose of the team. The idea is to really figure out how values can move in relation to each other. They’re all great, but stacking them in different orders is going to be more or less useful in certain situations.

Tool #2 Stacking Values as Steps vs. Weapons

This tool allows you to visually stack your values from most foundational to more precise and situational. You can do this on its own, or you can use Tool#3 to help generate ideas for various levels. Again, there are no right answers, simply more or less helpful stepping stones. And, this tool helps your team visualize where you are all trying to get to! What is your aspirational goal? Use this to help your team figure out how you stand out from others and what defines your vision, purpose, and way of going about getting there.

Tool #3 Laundry List of Possible Values

This can be a reference tool, or you can use it to sort and generate more specific values that your team or you yourself find important to the task at hand. Notice how some values are mutually exclusive, while others play more nicely together. Again, that’s okay.

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